Outlaw Realty

Notorious for Excellence

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Johnny Henion
Johnny HenionReal Estate Agent512.791.4404Learn More about Johnny Henion
Grant Whittenberger
Grant WhittenbergerReal Estate Agent512.762.1315Learn More about Grant Whittenberger
Tom Sunstrom
Tom SunstromReal Estate Agent512.923.4905Learn More about Tom Sunstrom
Paula Wisdom
Paula WisdomOffice Administrator512.600.6677 x700Learn More about Paula Wisdom

As a mortgage lender in Austin, I have the chance to work with lots of Real Estate agents. I chose Tom Sunstrom to help me with my most recent investment property and was thrilled with his service. Not only did he meet my expectations, he was able to save me over $15,000 on the price of the home in a very competitive market. Harper Ray, Cornerstone Mortgage - Harper R.